Sunday, June 23, 2024

Feminine Energy for Business: How to Have a Feminine Business in 2024

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In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, understanding and implementing feminine energy in business is crucial, yet often misunderstood. This blog post delves into the practical aspects of cultivating a business environment that honors feminine principles without compromising efficiency and growth. Let’s unravel these concepts with clarity and actionable insights.

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What Does Feminine Energy in Business Look Like?

The term feminine energy in business typically conjures images of intuition and creativity. However, a profound misconception lies in the oversimplified dichotomy between feminine creativity and masculine structure. In reality, these energies can coexist harmoniously, enhancing business operations without sacrificing the unique strengths of either.

Amanda Aveo, a seasoned entrepreneur, shares her insights on integrating feminine energy into business practices. She emphasizes the importance of systems and technology, which are often mistakenly viewed as too masculine. These tools are fundamental for creating a structured environment where feminine energy can thrive, fostering both creativity and practicality.

The Role of Technology and Systems

One of the biggest hurdles in aligning feminine energy with business growth is the reluctance to embrace technology and systems. These elements are crucial for creating a seamless operational flow, allowing business owners to focus more on creative and intuitive aspects. Amanda suggests that systems and automation are not antithetical to feminine energy but are essential supports that enable it.

By implementing effective automation and funnel systems, entrepreneurs can reduce manual workload, allowing for a greater focus on the creative pursuits that often define feminine energy. This strategic integration leads to a balanced approach, where structure supports spontaneity.

Scaling with Feminine Principles

Scaling a business does not have to involve an exhausting grind, traditionally seen as a masculine approach. Amanda argues for a model where scalability aligns with feminine energy—leveraging digital products, group training programs, and other scalable solutions that do not trade time directly for money.

This approach not only aligns with the nurturing aspect of feminine energy but also ensures that business growth is sustainable and less chaotic. It’s about working smarter, not harder, and allowing feminine energy to flourish in areas like client relationships and content creation.

Building Support Systems: The Backbone of a Feminine Business

A critical aspect of fostering feminine energy in business is building a robust support system. For Amanda, this includes a combination of technological tools and interpersonal support from her partner, Justin. Together, they’ve created a business infrastructure that minimizes stress and maximizes creative output.

Support systems in business should also include networks, mentorships, and collaborations that can help navigate the entrepreneurial journey. These elements are vital for maintaining balance and ensuring that the business owner can remain aligned with their feminine energy.

Conclusion: Receiving and Thriving

Lastly, a truly feminine business is one that excels in the art of receiving—be it receiving income, opportunities, or support. Feminine energy is receptive by nature, and cultivating an environment where this aspect can thrive is crucial for long-term success and personal fulfillment.

In conclusion, blending feminine energy in business involves much more than adhering to traditional gender roles or concepts. It’s about creating a balanced, supportive, and scalable business environment that honors both the intuitive and the structured. By embracing technology, systems, and a supportive network, entrepreneurs can truly amplify their feminine energy, leading to a more fulfilling and prosperous business venture.

The post Feminine Energy for Business: How to Have a Feminine Business in 2024 first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Big Mistakes: Ignoring Costs

Everything You Need To Know

  • The Three Efficiencies – Costs, Tax, Time (or hassle)
  • Cost vs Value – Absolute rock-bottom prices are not always desirable. Defining value is subjective.
  • The levels of costs – Fund, Platform/Account, Advice.
    • Fund charges expressed in the OCF (Ongoing Charge Figure), see also past iterations: AMC (Annual Management Charge) and TER (Total Expense Ratio). Investment terms explained.
    • OCF still not complete – transaction costs often expressed separately, can be negative costs!
    • Platforms – account fees, transaction/dealing fees, admin fees – percentage and/or flat fees, can be mixed.
    • Advice – usually percentage-based.
  • The impact of costs – Costs compound, just like investment gains. Investing £250 per month for 40 years at a 6% return would yield £479,242 with no costs. With a 1% annual charge on the pot, you would end up with £372,136 A 2% charge on the pot ends up with £291,214

Everything You Need To Do

  • Decide whether you’re going to go it alone, seek advice or something in between. Advice is more flexible than it used to be.
    Enquiry form to Jacksons.
  • If going solo, pay attention to platform and fund costs. Example: HL at 0.45% vs Interactive Investor at £4.99 a month for the first £50,000. You’ll be better off with II’s fixed fee if you have more than £13,306 invested.
  • Tax is a cost – pay as little as possible. Planning can show the impact of tax and the differences a decision can make.
  • Don’t leave money languishing. Be intentional. Review your existing provision – just because it was the best last year, things may have changed. Podcast: Simplify Your Pensions

News: Book 2 is finished! The Meaningful Money Retirement Guide. Anticipated release in Spring/early Summer 2025 – published by Harriman House.

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The post Big Mistakes: Ignoring Costs appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, June 17, 2024

3 High Ticket Sales Myths Keeping You Stuck

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Are you tired of feeling stuck in your high ticket sales endeavors? Join us as we unravel three common myths perpetuated by the coaching industry that might be hindering your sales success.

Resources Mentioned In This Video:

  • Download our free high ticket sales script here.
  • Grab our Persuade to Profit sales training on-demand here.
  • Get all of our marketing, sales and scaling trainings by joining our Effortless Revenue Mastermind here. (Best Value)

 Myth: You Need to Be Light Years Ahead of Your Clients

One prevalent myth in the coaching industry suggests that to secure high ticket clients, you must be leagues ahead of them in life or business. However, this notion couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is, authenticity and relatability are far more impactful than perceived perfection.

By embracing transparency and sharing your journey, including the challenges and lessons learned, you can forge genuine connections with your audience. Clients are drawn to authenticity and expertise, not unattainable perfection. Focus on honing your sales skills and understanding your clients’ needs to drive meaningful results, regardless of where you are on your journey.

Myth: Selling Low-Ticket Items Is Easier

Contrary to popular belief, selling high ticket items can be far more straightforward than peddling low-cost products. Research and psychological studies reveal that consumers often equate higher prices with superior quality and value. This phenomenon, known as price perception, can work in your favor when positioning high ticket offers.

Moreover, low-ticket sales often require greater volume to generate significant revenue, leading to increased marketing efforts and operational complexities. By shifting your focus to high ticket sales, you can streamline your sales process, attract committed clients, and maximize your earning potential with less effort.

Myth: High Ticket Sales Require Excessive Effort

Another prevalent myth suggests that achieving high ticket sales demands relentless effort and exhaustive work. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Selling high ticket offers often involves fewer transactions but yields greater rewards, allowing you to work smarter, not harder.

Consider the example of luxury retail sales associates who excel in selling high-end products despite not owning them themselves. Their success lies in their sales skills, product knowledge, and ability to connect with customers on a deeper level. By focusing on value creation and tailored solutions, you can attract high ticket clients effortlessly.

Conclusion: Embrace a New Perspective on High Ticket Sales

As we debunk these common myths surrounding high ticket sales, it’s clear that success in sales transcends preconceived notions and industry stereotypes. Authenticity, value, and strategic positioning are the cornerstones of effective selling, regardless of price point or industry.

Are you ready to revolutionize your sales approach and unlock unprecedented success? Join us in our Effortless Revenue Mastermind where you get access to all of our sales, marketing and scaling programs.

The post 3 High Ticket Sales Myths Keeping You Stuck first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Lead Generation Strategies for High Ticket Sales

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In the world of high ticket sales, generating leads is crucial, but it’s not just about quantity; quality is key. Many businesses struggle because they accumulate leads that are not suitable or financially viable. In this blog post, we’ll explore strategic lead generation specifically tailored for high ticket sales, ensuring your efforts yield valuable prospects who are ready and able to invest in your offerings.

Resources Mentioned In This Video:

  • Grab our free sales script for high ticket sales here.
  • Get all of our programs by joining our Effortless Revenue Mastermind here (5 early bird spots left).

Understanding the Quality of High Ticket Sales Leads

Lead generation for high-ticket items isn’t about casting the widest net—it’s about targeting the right kind of fish. A common pitfall businesses face is investing heavily in lead generation services that promise quantity over quality. These leads often lack the financial capacity or genuine interest in premium products, resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities. It’s crucial to focus on strategies that attract leads who are not just interested, but are also financially equipped and ready to commit to high-value transactions.

Strategies for Attracting Quality Leads in High Ticket Sales

The key to successful lead generation in high-ticket sales lies in understanding who your ideal clients are and crafting your marketing to engage them directly. This involves several steps:

  1. Define Your Ideal High Ticket Client: Know who is most likely to purchase your high-ticket items. Consider factors like financial capability, immediate needs, and the desire for the value your product or service provides.
  2. Tailor Your Messaging: Ensure that your marketing messages resonate with potential high-ticket clients. Speak directly to their needs and the unique benefits that your product or service can offer them.
  3. Use High-Impact Marketing Channels: Identify and utilize marketing channels that are most effective for reaching high-ticket clients. These might include professional networking sites like LinkedIn, specialized online platforms, or high-end events and webinars.
  4. Offer Value Upfront: High-ticket buyers are attracted to demonstrable expertise and proven results. Offering something of value upfront, like a detailed guide or a free consultation, can help establish trust and credibility.
  5. Leverage Client Testimonials and Case Studies: Show potential clients the success stories of others who have invested in your high-ticket items. This not only demonstrates the value but also helps alleviate concerns about investment risks.

The Importance of Personal Development in Attracting High Ticket Sales

One often overlooked aspect of attracting high-ticket sales is personal development. To attract affluent clients, you need to embody the qualities they expect from a high-tier provider. This includes professionalism, in-depth knowledge, and a proactive approach to solving problems. Reflecting these qualities in every interaction will make you more appealing to high-ticket clients who are accustomed to a certain standard of excellence.


Lead generation for high-ticket sales is a nuanced process that requires more than just basic marketing tactics. It involves a deep understanding of the market, a strategic approach to communication, and an alignment of your personal and business brands to the expectations of high-ticket clients. By focusing on quality over quantity and fostering a professional image, you can increase your chances of attracting leads that are not just more numerous, but significantly more valuable.

By following these guidelines and remaining committed to continuous improvement and strategic marketing, businesses can significantly enhance their lead generation efforts for high-ticket sales, ensuring a higher return on investment and long-term success.

If you found this guide helpful, make sure to subscribe and share it with your peers in high-ticket sales industries. And don’t forget, if you’re looking to dive deeper into mastering high-ticket sales, download our free top-performing sales script to see a remarkable improvement in your lead engagement!


The post Lead Generation Strategies for High Ticket Sales first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

This SEO Strategy Saves Me HOURS of Work

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In today’s digital landscape, mastering an SEO strategy is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive online. Gone are the days of tedious keyword research and manual optimization tasks. In this post, we’ll delve into the power of SEO and how it can revolutionize your marketing efforts, all while making your life easier.


Resources Mentioned In This Video:

  • Grab our free high ticket sales script here.
  • Get access to all of our marketing, sales, mindset and systems trainings in our Effortless Revenue Mastermind here.


Understanding the Essence of SEO

At the heart of successful online marketing lies SEO, or search engine optimization. Whether you’re targeting Google, YouTube, or other search platforms, the principle remains the same: aligning your content with what your audience is actively seeking. Think of it as the roadmap to ensure your content gets discovered by the right people at the right time.

Crafting Content that Converts

Creating content just for the sake of it won’t cut it anymore. To drive real results, you need a strategic approach that resonates with your target audience. This means understanding their pain points, desires, and search habits. By leveraging SEO insights, you can tailor your content to address these needs effectively, positioning yourself as the go-to solution provider in your niche.

The Evolution of SEO Tools

Gone are the days of juggling multiple tools and complex formulas to identify lucrative keywords. Thanks to advancements in technology, tools like VidIQ have streamlined the process, offering valuable insights and recommendations at your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting, these tools can save you valuable time and effort while maximizing your SEO potential.

Leveraging Data for Success

In the world of SEO, data is king. With VidIQ’s robust analytics, you can uncover valuable keyword opportunities and track the performance of your content with ease. Whether you’re optimizing your YouTube channel or revamping your website, having access to actionable data can empower you to make informed decisions that drive tangible results.

A Blueprint for Success

Armed with the right SEO strategy and tools, you can unlock a world of opportunities for your business. From attracting qualified leads to boosting sales and revenue, the benefits are endless. By harnessing the power of SEO, you can position your brand for long-term success while making your marketing efforts more efficient and impactful than ever before.


In conclusion, mastering an SEO strategy is no longer optional—it’s essential for staying ahead in today’s competitive digital landscape. By embracing the latest tools and techniques, you can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights, all while saving time and resources in the process. So why wait? Start optimizing your strategy today and unlock the full potential of your online presence.





The post This SEO Strategy Saves Me HOURS of Work first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Our Top Lead Generation Strategies for High Ticket Sales in 2024

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Are you eager to skyrocket your high ticket sales and streamline your lead generation efforts? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into our top three lead generation strategies that have consistently driven high ticket sales for our coaching programs and mastermind in 2024.

Resources Mentioned In This Video:

  • Download our free high ticket sales script here.
  • Get our Persuade to Profit sales training on-demand here.
  • Get all of our programs and support from us by joining our Effortless Revenue Mastermind here. (Best Value)

YouTube: Your SEO Powerhouse

YouTube reigns supreme as our top lead generation strategy for high ticket sales in 2024. The platform’s robust search engine optimization capabilities have enabled us to reach our target audience effectively. By optimizing our videos around keywords like “lead generation strategy” and “high ticket sales,” we’ve attracted quality leads who resonate with our content.

Moreover, YouTube’s versatility allows us to repurpose our videos across various channels, amplifying our reach and engagement. Whether it’s converting viewers into subscribers, podcast listeners, or course participants, YouTube consistently delivers tangible results for our business.

Facebook and LinkedIn: Social Media Titans

In a surprising turn of events, Facebook and LinkedIn emerged as tied contenders for our top lead generation strategies in 2024. By strategically leveraging these platforms, we’ve cultivated an engaged audience and directed them towards valuable resources, such as free consultations and lead magnets.

Consistent posting, coupled with compelling content, has fostered meaningful interactions and conversions. While our approach doesn’t rely on direct messaging, the organic growth and lead generation potential of Facebook and LinkedIn cannot be understated.

Direct Referrals: The Power of Personal Connections

Personal referrals continue to play a pivotal role in our lead generation efforts, securing their spot as one of our top strategies for high ticket sales in 2024. Whether it’s through client recommendations or colleague introductions, these personalized referrals have resulted in significant business opportunities.

While mass marketing tactics have their place, the authenticity and trust inherent in direct referrals cannot be replicated. Cultivating strong relationships within your network can lead to a steady stream of high-quality leads, driving sustained growth and success.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Sales Strategy

As we navigate the dynamic landscape of lead generation, it’s crucial to adopt a multifaceted approach that embraces diverse channels and tactics. While YouTube remains our cornerstone for SEO-driven outreach, platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and direct referrals offer invaluable opportunities for engagement and conversion.

By implementing these lead generation strategies, you can enhance your high ticket sales initiatives and propel your business towards exponential growth. Ready to dive deeper into these strategies and unlock their full potential? Join us in our Effortless Revenue Mastermind for comprehensive insights and actionable guidance.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your sales approach. Download our free sales script below and embark on a journey towards unparalleled success. Together, let’s redefine what’s possible in high ticket sales and unleash the full potential of your business.

The post Our Top Lead Generation Strategies for High Ticket Sales in 2024 first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

Big Mistakes: Starting Late

Everything You Need To Know

  • Starting late can happen for a number of reasons.
  • The only thing that is suboptimal is the timescale – everything else is the same as for everyone. The golden rules of personal finances are as true for someone starting late as they are for anyone else.
    • The more you save, the more you’ll have down the line.
    • The greater proportion of equities you hold, the higher the growth will likely be, but the higher the volatility.
    • Don’t waste money – make every pound work for you
  • You’re going to need laser focus. As Dave Ramsey says, you’re going to have to live like no-one else so that later you can live like no-one else.

Everything You Need To Do

  • Start (late) with the end in mind. Take stock of where you are now, and what you have. Understand your lifestyle costs now and what you would like your retirement lifestyle costs to be.
  • Pay off debt. Use the debt snowball to do this quickly.
  • Budget hard and maximise savings. Create a strict budget and stick to it. More about budgeting and the debt snowball in our free online course: Financial Foundations.
  • Maximise tax reliefs. Focus on pensions – tax relief more valuable than ever.
  • Invest aggressively. You’re going to need the growth – not the time to be too cautious.
  • Cultivate realistic expectations. Learn to be content and accept what got you in this position.

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The post Big Mistakes: Starting Late appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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