Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Big Mistakes: Ignoring Costs

Everything You Need To Know

  • The Three Efficiencies – Costs, Tax, Time (or hassle)
  • Cost vs Value – Absolute rock-bottom prices are not always desirable. Defining value is subjective.
  • The levels of costs – Fund, Platform/Account, Advice.
    • Fund charges expressed in the OCF (Ongoing Charge Figure), see also past iterations: AMC (Annual Management Charge) and TER (Total Expense Ratio). Investment terms explained.
    • OCF still not complete – transaction costs often expressed separately, can be negative costs!
    • Platforms – account fees, transaction/dealing fees, admin fees – percentage and/or flat fees, can be mixed.
    • Advice – usually percentage-based.
  • The impact of costs – Costs compound, just like investment gains. Investing £250 per month for 40 years at a 6% return would yield £479,242 with no costs. With a 1% annual charge on the pot, you would end up with £372,136 A 2% charge on the pot ends up with £291,214

Everything You Need To Do

  • Decide whether you’re going to go it alone, seek advice or something in between. Advice is more flexible than it used to be.
    Enquiry form to Jacksons.
  • If going solo, pay attention to platform and fund costs. Example: HL at 0.45% vs Interactive Investor at £4.99 a month for the first £50,000. You’ll be better off with II’s fixed fee if you have more than £13,306 invested.
  • Tax is a cost – pay as little as possible. Planning can show the impact of tax and the differences a decision can make.
  • Don’t leave money languishing. Be intentional. Review your existing provision – just because it was the best last year, things may have changed. Podcast: Simplify Your Pensions

News: Book 2 is finished! The Meaningful Money Retirement Guide. Anticipated release in Spring/early Summer 2025 – published by Harriman House.

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The post Big Mistakes: Ignoring Costs appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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