Saturday, February 29, 2020

How to make money online?

The Internet has provided a wide range of career-building opportunities to the people, and they are also taking advantage of it. It may be up to the luck ...

* This article was originally published here

Sell These Top 3 Winning Products In 2020 | Shopify Dropshipping

School has taught me many things, but not how to actually make money. ... Shopify Dropshipping Business and start making money on the internet.

* This article was originally published here

Kashmir's e-gamers in internet shutdown: “It was an escape from real world”

But it was 4 August and they knew internet will be snapped anytime. ... “Unlike rest of the world, where e-gamers make money by game-streaming (on ...

* This article was originally published here

The Framework on How to Manifest What You Want

My Ego Outside of My Comfort Zone

I was freaking out yesterday because I was 100% in my feelings. My next thought was, “Okay, well, what do I do to get out of my feelings? What do I do when I’m spiraling?” I have these feelings when I’m in the process of expanding or pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I know that when I feel myself spiraling, I need to start helping somebody else because the action of helping others gets attention off of me.

I’ve worked with many people in different areas of their life and business, and I’m tired of seeing people self-sabotage themselves because they have much potential and aren’t using their potential.


Working to Your Potential Isn’t Easy

I understand that working to your full potential is not easy. I know you have big dreams, and you may not be in an environment that is conducive to achieving your goals. I also understand that you think lack of money is an excuse because that’s what you’ve been conditioned to believe.

However, lack of money is the illusion, not the reality. You are responsible for making sure that whatever potential you have in this world gets used. I am utterly convinced that part of the reason why people get into trouble in their lives is that they don’t go after their potential.


How to Use PDF Squared Framework to Achieve Your Potential

I’m going to share with you a framework that came to me in a meditation. I was meditating on focus and this framework showed up in a meditation. I’ve named the framework PDF Squared. PDF Squared, cause there’s two parts to this framework.

I’ve started using this framework in my own life when I’m not living up to my potential.

Part I: Passion

Part I is about passion, desire, and faith. To show up every day and have the kind of stamina that you need to build a company, be successful, grow, and attract money in your life. What I see is someone is complaining about their problems. “I want to do this thing, and I can’t because I can’t get the money right in my business.” The solution shows up in front of them, ie, work with me; however, they have so little faith in the solution which has shown up for them that they don’t leap.

Are You Practicing the Law of Polarity?

They ask the Universe for a solution, find me, then say that working with me isn’t the answer. This type of behavior is known as the Law of Polarity. The Law of Polarity states that when we have a problem, the solution to the problem exists in the same time and space. The answer may not look like an activity you want to do or cost you time and money. The only thing that separates me from people who haven’t gotten as far as I have is the fact that they don’t have faith.

Part II: Purpose

Purpose means having discipline and focus. I see many people have a goal, but lack focus and discipline. You have an idea, but you’re not willing to work to make your idea a reality. Remember, you actually have to work in addition to manifesting what you want. What you desire and want isn’t just going to show up for you without working for what you desire.

The only reason my company doubled in 2018, and exponentially grew in 2019, is because I am disciplined and I am focused. I know what I want, and I go after it, period.

Now, I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’m in the middle of scaling my company, and I’m not enjoying the process. There have been several challenges along the way, but I know it’s going to get me to where I want to go. So I have the passion, and the desire, and the faith to see what I want and see the vision in my mind. I have the purpose, the discipline, and the focus to do whatever the hell it is I have to do to get there, and I do it all with a sense of urgency.

People don’t realize the game of money is an emotional and mental game more than anything else, and once you’ve got the emotional and the mental stuff down, then take action. Use my PDF Squared framework to get what you desire, and want to achieve in life and business.


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

Book a Free Mini Coaching Session with Amanda

Click the button below to book a time to get mini coaching from me. We’ll work together to see what your next business moves are!

The post The Framework on How to Manifest What You Want appeared first on Amanda Abella | Make Money Your Honey.

* This article was originally published here

Money Myths About Rich People That Keep You Broke

Debunking Rich People Myths

You hear so many myths and stereotypes about “rich people,” and I want to debunk common myths that might be keeping you broke.

A client I’m working with, we’ll call her “Jane”, was killing it in her business. We were starting to move into sales, and I was telling her, “Listen, we’re going to have to check your preconceived notions about money because once you get into sales and you start asking people for money, you could sabotage yourself with money myths.”

“Jane” then proceeded to tell me how she drove up to spend Christmas with her parents. As she was driving on the road, she saw this woman pull up next to her. It was apparent that this woman had plastic surgery, and she had a particular look. This woman was driving a white Maserati, and “Jane” looks at her and thinks, “That rich bitch.” What’s interesting about this scenario is that “Jane” is a self-made millionaire. Even so, she still holds judgments toward people with money.

Our conversation continues with “Jane” telling me, “Well, I feel kind of weird telling people I’m a self-made millionaire.” The reason is that she is afraid that people are going to question her about why she charges for her services because she has money. I very quickly responded, “Cause you want to be a multimillionaire!” She was still judging multimillionaires and ultra-wealthy.


Your Next Level of Wealth

Your new level of wealth can lead to shame instead of giving yourself credit for your accomplishments. As a society, we’ve been conditioned to judge people with money. As a result of our conditioning, we can feel ashamed because we want money or have money. To have money, you have to want money. You can’t have one without the other.

When you are building wealth, you won’t be without challenges, that is a part of the game. You’re getting into dangerous territory when you relate having wealth with being evil. As the daughter of immigrants who fled communism, I am team capitalism all the way. Wealth does not correlate with being an unethical human being.


Why Rich People Are Rich (and Human)

Besides those who inherited their wealth, people become very wealthy usually because they found a solution to a problem, and people are willing to pay them for taking away their pain points. To receive money, you need to provide value.

I’ve heard people say that wealthy people are luckier or have a better life”. Wealthy people receive the same 24 hours in a day that you receive, the same 1440 minutes in a day which they, and you, choose actions that can move you forward or backward. Rich people are human, the same as you and me. Others say that all rich people “are highly intelligent.” Before you put that myth in your head, I can introduce you to people of average intelligence who are multimillionaires.


What You Have To Do To Be Wealthy

You do have to switch your mindset and conscientiously think differently about money. Think differently than the average person or the general population if you want to get to the next level. Grow your mindset by evolving your thinking.

Start moving in the business owner’s direction, hire people, and start making money for yourself. Learn how to do things smarter and better. Learn as you go like I have. Find a source of passive income so you can make money without having to spend more time working.

There are obscene amounts of money on the planet, and you have to learn how to get some for yourself and if you want to get to a point where you have money, you have to check your judgments at the door.


Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

Book a Free Mini Coaching Session with Amanda

Click the button below to book a time to get mini coaching from me. We’ll work together to see what your next business moves are!

The post Money Myths About Rich People That Keep You Broke appeared first on Amanda Abella | Make Money Your Honey.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 28, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Google Station Shutdown: Why It Didn't Work Out

Google's aim at the time was to increase internet access to those who couldn't afford it, and in turn, make money for itself by showing ads to those that ...

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 23, 2020

605 | No one believes in you…

When I started on this journey to create a freedom business, no one believed in this freedom business thing.

Monday, February 17, 2020

601 | Bar hopping with Tim Ferriss

Not long ago I flew into San Francisco to mastermind with some heavy hitters.

[Method] Using Ahrefs to find Weak Competitors & their Keywords

* This article was originally published here

What are Financial Planning First Principles?

Having talked about investing, planning for pensions and the types of insurances and protections available, I want to now go back to the roots of it all, and I’m going deep into the ‘First Principles’ of finance. These are the fundamentals, not the basics, and I want to get really stuck into what they are and how best to apply them into your daily financial lives.


When engaging in financial planning at any level, we need to start with the end in mind, or as far as possible. Very few people can visualise in detail where they hope to be in five years’ time, let alone 25, or 35 years when they retire. You need to define for yourself what retirement is, and what it means to be wealthy.


The second of my first principles is all about control. Essentially, you need to control your money or it will control you. Money is not an inert force. It moves about, and often disappears quickly enough.

Portfolios can go out of whack, star funds can become dogs, markets move of their own volition. But there are some areas where you have complete control, and we understand what they are and how to impose that control for your own benefit.


No discussion of personal finance is complete without a thorough understanding of how compounding works. While most of us have a sense of the basics, there are ways you can accelerate compounding to your distinct advantage.

To be successful, you need to understand the practical benefits not just of compounding returns, but controlling the negative compounding of costs and tax.  It’s also helpful to get to grips with compounding the benefits of some good behavioural tactics. Add this stuff together and it’s a formidable arsenal – you won’t believe the difference in the figures.


Anyone with any experience of investing knows that risk is a necessary part of wealth-building success. Risk is a fantastic thing. It is a lever we can pull for our own benefit; we just need to re-centre our relationship to it. If we can do that, we can learn to welcome and even celebrate market downturns and see them as opportunities, not reasons to panic.


Inflation is, for many of us, a theoretical concept. The main reason for that is that while you are working, your earnings generally rise ahead of inflation. That’s in a healthy employment market.

Inflation is an essential thing to get your head around as you plan into the future. When you’re projecting your plans towards retirement, you need to know how to account for it and how it can affect your investment portfolio.


Achieving growth in any portfolio is essentially simple – you need to invest in equities. An investment in shares is an investment into capitalism, the system which, while far from perfect, is the only one we’ve got that can secure your financial future. You need to understand the impact of diluting equities with other holdings, and why it still is a good idea to do so.


We all tend to think of that in terms of compound interest and growing our money exponentially, but the negative compounding of costs is profoundly important to understand and will influence how you invest. Cost has an impact at all levels of an investment portfolio, and tax is a massive cost you need to try and eliminate to the best of your abilities.


I think that understanding behavioural finance is hugely important, and it’s something I talk about with my podcast guests. I’d like to point you to my interviews with Greg Davies of Centapse, because I think it’s the most helpful conversation I’ve had. NB – this interview is in two parts.

Getting our behaviour right is so, SO important – it’s hard to overstate it. You need to have a clear overview of again the main biases and tendencies we bring to our finances and have some ideas of how to overcome them.


True financial success is about blending an understanding and proactive activity under all these headings, and you need to take some high-level actions to maintain the momentum of your progress towards financial freedom.

The post What are Financial Planning First Principles? appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Earn 200 $ in 24 hours |AUTOPILOT METHOD|

* This article was originally published here

What do you think is the best niche for UpWork

* This article was originally published here

do you need a new website for each niche landing page you make for CPA

* This article was originally published here

Growing Instagram from scratch

* This article was originally published here

[METHOD+PROOF] Make $10k+/month with Micro Streaming

* This article was originally published here

No skill, no experience, no capital. How do I work online and collect money?

* This article was originally published here

how to get approval on AdSense?

* This article was originally published here

Money Earning Online - Small jobs

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, February 15, 2020

How to Make a Side Income While Traveling the World

Thanks to the convenience of the internet and many other money-making ... the world, there are hundreds of ways to strategically make money.

* This article was originally published here

Urgent - I still need help finding a work from home job

* This article was originally published here

Advice on starting health site

* This article was originally published here


* This article was originally published here

247VCC Successfully Registered Business certificates

* This article was originally published here

Monetization of a blog. Where do I start ?

* This article was originally published here

Best Way To Make Money From $20

* This article was originally published here

How to promote CBD products

* This article was originally published here

Friday, February 14, 2020

What is the best skillset going forward in the future?

* This article was originally published here

Forget the Nigerian prince, cyber scammers have turned to sextortion

Cyber scammers have turned to blackmailing receivers that they will leak images of them 'watching porn' in order to make money. ... Singer SIA was threatened that her nudes would be leaked to the internet — so she posted them ...

* This article was originally published here

[Help]Porn Reupload method 2019 need one more thing to work amazing

* This article was originally published here

Business Ideas for Housewives in Hindi 2020

Online sailing (Online Selling) – by nowadays Internet Help New old stuff to sell online the trend has become which help some women old goods ... Freelancer Writer Of work by some smart Housewives at home lots make money is.

* This article was originally published here