Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Calendar Management Tips for Coaches

Calendar Management Tips for Coaches



calendar management tips


In today’s video, we’re discussing time management tips for coaches. Why? Because I’ve been having conversations with many of you who are running yourselves into the ground, wasting time on things that don’t grow your business and flailing. Now, I too, struggled with this especially during 2020 when I was stuck at home and got into some bad habits.

Let’s get into these calendar management strategies.

The Best of the Time Management Tips: Time Blocking

Time blocking is one of my favorite calendar management tips Simply put, EVERYTHING gets put into my calendar – including my down time and fun activities. On most days my calendar looks like this:

6:00am to 9:00am 

This is my morning me time. I meditate, journal, pray and get connected before starting my day. From there I put on my workout clothes and exercise. Lately this looks like going for daily walks around a nearby golf course. While I’m exercising I do my sales skills training for the day and my mindset training for the day.

9:00am Daily Team Meeting

This includes wins, priorities, and daily sales role play.

10:00am to 12:00pm

Usually I’m doing my sales tasks for the day. I spend the first two hours of every day on income generating activities. This looks like outbound sales, direct messages, follow ups and sometimes phone calls. I spend all morning getting in front of new potential customers.

12:00pm to 1:00pm 


The rest of the afternoon:

It’s usually sales calls or sales presentations.

Around 5:00 or 5:30 pm I shut down for the day. This includes a final check in with my team and making sure we’ve accounted for our key performance indicators for the day.

6:00 pm onward:

I’m winding down, relaxing, reading a book, drinking tea, hanging out with family, personal calls, etc.


The biggest problem I see women coaches have with calendar management is they don’t know what their priorities are. The number one priority in your business is sales. Period. Everything needs to revolve around that.

However, that’s not what most women coaches do. Instead here is what I hear during our complimentary Sales Diagnostic Calls:

  • “I spend all day scrolling on social media.”
  • “I was working on my website.”
  • “I’m working on building this funnel.”
  • “I’m working on a bunch of autoresponder emails.”
  • “I have to do this for a client.”
  • “I have a bunch of coaching sessions.”
  • “I have a bunch of coffee chats.”

Part of the reason why this happens is because most women coaches have not set up their businesses in a way where they can spend 80% of their time on income generating activities. I recenly did a free training on how to properly set up your coaching business so you have more time to generate new revenue. You can watch that here.


One of the best calendar management tips for coaches is to know where your boundaries are. It’s easy for work to take over our lives, especially when we love what we do, so we need to have the proper boundaries in place so we don’t burn out.

For me, that looks like the following:

  • Closing my calendar off to potential collaboration calls once I have a certain amount for the month. I already had to close the calendar for July.
  • Setting specific days and times for marketing.
  • Setting specific times for just about everything.
  • Making sure my personal time is also on the calendar and respected.

Calendar Management Tips: Taking Responsibility and Self Worth

Implementing calendar management strategies is really about taking responsibility. It’s also about self worth. The truth is if you don’t value your time no one else will and one area where I see women coaches give their power away constantly is by not respecting their own time. Implement these calendar management tips and watch how much more productive and fruitful you become.




The post Calendar Management Tips for Coaches appeared first on Amanda Abella | Make Money Your Honey.

* This article was originally published here

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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Balancing the Feminine and Masculine Traits to Increase Your Bottom Line

There’s a lot of internet talk about feminine principles to run businesses, feminine leadership, and how to be more feminine in business.

And there’s also a lot of bad advice and confusion.

Let’s break down what feminine principles look like in business:

As a woman entrepreneur who primarily works with women, I’ve found that women are tired. They’re tired of running around trying to build a business like a man. So they are looking for balance.

Now, I also wanna be really clear that there’s a lot of confusion on this topic because people will assume that if you run a feminine business, you work 15 hours a week and do nothing. And that’s not really how that works.

When you’re getting a business off the ground and figuring out how to make money, many women believe they will have to learn more masculine qualities before they’re ready to layer.

When you see a whole bunch of marketing but can’t close a sale, it may be because they’re leaning too far into the feminine. For example, they may be waiting for people to come to them. But, unfortunately, sales don’t necessarily work that way.

To make money in your company, you need both masculine and feminine traits, no matter if you’re a biological male or female. Therefore, if you’ve gone too far into the masculine, you can find your own balance and bring it back to build a more sustainable platform or business with a better flow.

Why Masculine and Feminine Traits are Both Needed to Make Money in Business

Let’s discuss a little bit about the difference between masculine and Feminine traits and how to use them in business. One masculine trait is getting work done, such as recording videos. However, the feminine part of this activity is attracting followers to these videos. Feminine traits are more about attraction, intuition, creativity, vision, flow, and cycles. So you see how you need both masculine and feminine traits to succeed in business. You can’t do only one or the other; feminine and masculine traits are needed to make money.

Other masculine traits include strategy, numbers, and action. You hear people talking about massive action. Although you need massive action in business, you can’t take action and not make money. So creating sales funnels, structures, and systems all use masculine traits.

How to Balance Your Feminine Traits to Benefit Business Growth

As female entrepreneurs, we either go too far into the feminine and not make enough money, or we go too far into the masculine and burn out and exhausted.

Let’s assume you have gone too far into using masculine traits as part of your business. Now, you need to start bringing in more of the feminine traits. First, you want to find out if you are attracting people. The feminine attracts – she doesn’t go out and chase. However, this is still proactive because attracting people who want to work with you will make you money.

In reality, many believe the feminine is about posting on social media, then leaning back and waiting for money. It doesn’t work that way. A level of pro-activity is needed, especially if you were just in the beginning stages of your business and nobody knows who you are.

Making Yourself Known on Social Media and Online

That being said, your presence matters, and it’s essential. Even if you make marketing a priority. You want to get them hooked, and then they are attracted to you, becoming buyers. So the concept of attraction marketing is extremely feminine because the whole point is attraction.

The feminine traits you can utilize to grow your business are also more about being versus doing. Am I showing up as an abundant person on these videos? Am I envision the people that will be attracted to me as a result of watching this video? And I am being inside that feminine energy right now?

The Feminine is About Fun and Pleasure

Another desirable and extremely feminine trait is pleasure and fun.

If you go too far into the masculine, it’s all about the burden. It’s all about the burden of making money.

The feminine is about having fun. Y

ou can also build in some masculine structures behind the scenes to support creating fun videos and be more in your feminine.

Make Use of the Feminine Trait of Receiving 

Receiving includes receiving support from team members. It’s also about receiving money, receiving gifts, receiving love. It just receives, receives, receives, receives. The masculine is about the giving you need to give in business. You need to give value.

If you go too far into the masculine, you start micromanaging your team members and trying to control them because of ego. You may perceive that ‘nobody can do it better than me.’ This is a super hyper-masculine trait. The feminine trait would say, ‘I’m gonna allow myself to be supported right now.’

Balance masculine and feminine traits to increase your sales and business processes are more challenging than it sounds. Even something as simple as receiving compliments can be challenging for women. I can’t tell you how many women get complimented, and I see them shy away. It makes them feel very uncomfortable when they get compliments.

Review the Traits You are Using In Your Business

Your business needs to be a cycle and a system of giving, which is the masculine, and receiving, which is the feminine. So you might see hyper-masculine businesses run by well-developed and very masculine guys. On the other hand, you can also see feminine traits and female-run businesses that attract money into their lives, get attention, and receive support. Those are all feminine principles.

Make sure to share this with all the women in your life, especially the female entrepreneurs and business owners! Remember to go out there and Make Money, Your Honey!

Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

The post Balancing the Feminine and Masculine Traits to Increase Your Bottom Line appeared first on Amanda Abella | Make Money Your Honey.

* This article was originally published here

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