Saturday, August 31, 2024

Facebook Ads vs Organic Growth For Lead Generation

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In this article, we’ll delve into the age-old debate of Facebook ads vs organic growth and discuss the best approach for your business. As someone with over 15 years of experience as a content marketer, sales coach, and business owner who has leveraged Facebook ads extensively, I understand the nuances involved in deciding between these two strategies.

Resources Mentioned In This Video

  • Grab our free content marketing calendar template for Notion here.
  • We go deep into lead generation strategies in our Effortless Revenue Mastermind. Learn more and apply here.

Understanding the Balance: Organic First, Ads Later

The key to successful marketing lies in a balanced approach between organic growth and paid advertising. Many businesses, especially startups, fall into the trap of rushing into Facebook ads without testing their strategies organically first. This premature leap often results in wasted resources and disappointment.

For instance, I’ve encountered numerous entrepreneurs who, eager to kickstart their business, poured substantial funds into Facebook ads expecting immediate results. Unfortunately, without prior organic testing, they ended up burning through budgets with little to show for it.

The Power of Organic Testing

Organic growth serves as a crucial foundation. It allows businesses to validate their offerings, refine their messaging, and optimize their funnels without financial risk. By generating leads and sales through organic channels like content marketing or SEO, businesses can prove their concept and refine their approach before investing in paid advertising.

When to Consider Paid Advertising

Paid advertising, particularly Facebook ads, can be immensely powerful once you’ve established a solid organic base. It provides the opportunity to scale quickly and target specific audience segments effectively. However, the key is to approach it with a tested and validated strategy.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Ads

Before diving into paid ads, ensure you have:

  • Market Validation: Proven that your product or service resonates with your audience.
  • Refined Funnel: Optimized your sales funnel to convert organic traffic effectively.
  • Financial Preparedness: Budgeted appropriately to gather sufficient data and optimize campaigns over time.

The Evolving Landscape of Facebook Ads

It’s important to note that Facebook ads have evolved. They are no longer the inexpensive, high-return investment they once were due to increased competition and regulatory changes. Strategies like retargeting ads or specific funnel types (like self-liquidating offers) can still yield significant returns if executed strategically.

Conclusion: A Strategic Approach to Growth

In conclusion, while both Facebook ads and organic growth are valuable, the sequence matters. Start with organic methods to validate your business concept and optimize your processes. Once you have a proven model, consider integrating paid advertising to accelerate growth. This approach not only minimizes financial risks but also maximizes the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

The post Facebook Ads vs Organic Growth For Lead Generation first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Friday, August 30, 2024

You Can Retire On LESS Than You Think

Because your situation is unique, how much is ‘enough to retire’ is going to be unique to you. The thing that makes it unique is your lifestyle, your spending.

There are a bunch of things we can’t control: markets, inflation, asset returns, political and geo-political events, environmental factors. But there are a few things we CAN control: our spending, our investment behaviour, like not selling when markets go down, paying attention to tax and costs.

Example 1: Couple age 60
With £750k invested, retiring at 60 and with 2x state pensions kicking in at age 67, you can spend £44,850 each year, rising by inflation, and have 90% certainty that you’ll be OK, based on history.

Example 2: Couple at State Pension age
If we take the example of having £200,000 in pensions and ISAs, a couple retiring at 60 could spend £22,500 a year every year, rising by inflation and with 90% certainty they wouldn’t run out.

Example 3: Single age 60
If you want to retire at age 60 and spend three grand a month forever, you’re going to need three-quarters of a million on hand to do that. If you only have £200k, you’ll be able to spend £1,350 a month, with 90% certainty that you won’t run out.

Example 4: Single at State Pension age
£625,000 = £37,100 pa
£400,000 = £28,000 pa
£200,000 = £20,000 pa
Remember these are spending amounts that were historically sustainable 90% of the time over that past 110 years of data and include either state pension.

When we project into the future and see if our money will run out, we know for a fact that our projection is going to be wrong – the future is unknowable because there are just too many variables.

Work with Jacksons

Head over to Meaningful Academy This is my site with courses on all aspects of financial planning, but given today’s subject I want to remind you of one key benefit of the paid courses in the Academy – a year’s included access to the powerful financial planning app I use every day with clients – Voyant Go. If you decide to try one of the paid-for courses, use the coupon code YOUTUBE for a discount.

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The post You Can Retire On LESS Than You Think appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bridging the Advice Gap, with Alastair Ford

  • Let's tell the story of how we ended up chatting about coaching generally.
  • How would you define financial coaching?
  • Where does it sit relative to full-fat regulated advice?
  • Let's talk a bit about behaviour when it comes to finances – a big factor.
  • Have you any stories where coaching has made a big difference to people's lives?
  • Meaningful Coaching – what are you hoping it becomes?

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The post Bridging the Advice Gap, with Alastair Ford appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Health, Wealth and Happiness with Dave Algeo

Dave is a speaker, and coach helping organisation achieve success with wellbeing (and not at the expense of it) and supporting Midlife professionals in reshaping their health, losing weight sustainably and getting life back on their terms.

Dave is the host of the Midlife Reshape podcast, and creator of the S.H.I.T.E. Guide to overcoming overeating, overworking and over-thinking.

Today we’re talking about the link between health and wealth, good behaviour and all sorts besides.

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The post Health, Wealth and Happiness with Dave Algeo appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lead Generation Strategies: Facebook Ads vs Organic Growth

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In this video, we’re comparing Facebook ads vs organic growth and discussing which lead generation strategies you should use in your business. Based on 15 years of experience as a content marketer, sales coach, and business owner who has successfully used Facebook ads, I will share my insights. The Basics of Facebook Ads vs Organic Growth.

Resources Mentioned In This Video:

  • Download our free Content Marketing Calendar here.
  • Want to 3x your lead flow? Let us show you how with a complimentary Marketing Strategy Session here.

When discussing lead generation strategies, it’s essential to compare Facebook ads vs organic growth. Creating content that captures people’s attention is crucial, whether you’re opting for paid advertising or organic methods. To help you organize your ideas and content marketing, I’ve created a free template in Notion, one of my favorite tools for brain dumping and organizing ideas. You can download it for free below.

When to Implement Paid Advertising

The age-old debate of Facebook ads vs organic growth often comes down to timing. Spoiler alert: eventually, you need to do both. However, many business owners don’t know when to implement paid advertising, leading to wasted resources. Often, new business owners spend a ton of money on Facebook ads to generate leads, only to find that they essentially set money on fire.

Testing Organic Strategies First

One of the most crucial lead generation strategies is to test your business ideas organically before investing in Facebook ads. Ensure your systems, processes, content, and products can sell without spending money. This approach gives you confidence that your investments in paid advertising will yield a return. If you’ve tested your strategies organically and know they work, paid ads can amplify your success.

The Changing Landscape of Facebook Ads

It’s important to note that Facebook ads are more expensive than they used to be. Several factors, including increased regulation and changes in data tracking, have made ads less effective. Therefore, it’s vital to have a proven organic strategy before diving into paid advertising.

The Benefits of Paid Advertising

Despite these challenges, paid advertising can be an excellent tool for scaling your business if done correctly. With the right strategy, you can target ready-to-invest buyers and use funnels like passive income or self-liquidating offers. These funnels can help you generate revenue and attract high-ticket clients.

The Power of Organic Lead Generation Strategies

For those who are just starting, focusing on organic lead generation strategies can be more sustainable. For example, YouTube is one of my favorite platforms for organic lead generation. By creating search engine optimized, valuable content, you can attract leads daily without spending money on ads.

Combining Organic and Paid Strategies

Once you’ve established a strong organic presence, you can consider integrating paid ads for retargeting. This approach can help you reach a broader audience and reinforce your message to those already interested in your content.


In conclusion, the debate of Facebook ads vs organic growth comes down to timing and strategy. Test your ideas organically, validate your market, and then scale with paid ads. By following these lead generation strategies, you can make informed decisions that optimize your resources and maximize your returns.

If you found this post helpful and have any questions about Facebook ads vs organic growth, leave a comment below. Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don’t miss any of our videos. We’re here to help you simplify your business and amplify your life.

The post Lead Generation Strategies: Facebook Ads vs Organic Growth first appeared on Make Money Your Honey | scale your business with marketing & sales systems.

* This article was originally published here

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Big Mistakes: Worrying About Care Fees

Everything You Need To Know

  • Long Term Care is a peculiarly Western thing.
  • Care is expensive. Age UK, average weekly cost of a care home in the UK is £800 (£41,600 per year). For a nursing home, average of £1,078 per week (£56,056 per year).
  • How much of a problem is it really?. ONS average life expectancy at age 85 is 3.6 years for females and 2.6 years for males. If you’re aged 85, you have a 15% chance of needing full time residential care.

Everything You Need To Do

  • Try to identify the possible cost of Long Term Care. Impossible to know for sure, but if you figure on £50,000 a year per person, then that’s a start. Generally would allow for one partner for a maximum of four years. 4x £50k is £200,000.
  • Decide your priority. What’s your priority – your own comfort or an inheritance for the family?
  • Can you set aside the money? Generally the cost of care rises well ahead of general inflation, so you’re going to need a high allocation to equities.
  • Remember your home. If the role of your home is a last resort mechanism for paying for care, then that’s not a bad outcome. We’ve had clients equity release to pay for care IN the home, which has worked well. If in a couple and only one needs care, the remaining partner cannot be kicked out of the house. If your home IS included in the financial assessment, the LA has to offer you a Deferred Payment Agreement.
  • Remember – wealth gives you choice. Avoid ‘schemes’ such as Family Protection Trusts (FPT). These are fraught with issues and I’ve seen them challenged. Trusts are costly to set up and run. Require tax returns and registration – only winners of FPTs are the solicitors.

Really, there is little you can do to avoid paying for care if your assets are worth over £23,250. We encourage clients to be sanguine about the need for care and address it as and when it becomes needed, rather than obsess about it ahead of time.

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The post Big Mistakes: Worrying About Care Fees appeared first on Meaningful Money – Making sense of Money with Pete Matthew | Financial FAQ.

* This article was originally published here

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