Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to Have a Financial Transformation

The Process of Financial Transformation

Many of us are in the process of reflecting on the year, and we have a lot to celebrate. I know I have many reasons to celebrate this year. You may be realizing that while you had all these lofty financial goals, you may have missed your mark. Things may not have gone according to plan, or maybe you’re realizing that you’ve been repeating old patterns and didn’t make any progress.

I know what it feels like to have these vast desires and no money. This space isn’t ideal; however, you can transform your situation. I’m going to share a transformational money story with you.

Elisa’s Personal Financial Transformation

This is the story of my coaching client, Elisa. She went from being a struggling activist to negotiating high-dollar deals. I’m sharing this fantastic story because Elisa’s story like this is the epitome of economic transformation – the same transformation that is available to you. Many of the struggles she was having may be some of the same struggles you may be experiencing. I want to show you what’s possible, and I’m going to break down the steps Elisa took to get paid tens of thousands of dollars to speak at major universities.

Elisa came to me in 2018 through a referral. At the time, her website Healinghonestly.com was experiencing a surge of viewership, and her inbox was flooded. For context, Elisa is a survivor of childhood abuse, and her mission in life is to help other survivors heal their trauma. Her business morphed into training people who are supporting survivors. She wasn’t quite sure how to teach others when I spoke to her. Elisa was stuck in her space. She was sitting on a big idea and movement with her deep and vital work.

When she came to me, she knew she was sitting on something big; however, she was also exhausted because, in the three years of running Healing Honestly, she hadn’t made a single cent. Elisa realized that she could not keep this cycle going as this cycle was not sustainable. Elisa joined my six-week group coaching program, Persuade to Profit, in 2018, and her most significant transformation came around her money mindset: She learned that she was worthy of making money.

Making Money to Help Others

The concept of making money to help others was a bit foreign to her, even after she had the experience of her mother starting a very popular and well established nonprofit from their kitchen table.

Many activists are so pounded with the idea they must be miserable. In more extreme spaces, money is equivalent to evil. Elisa came out of the sacrificial lamb space when she chose not to buy into that story. She now understood that making money was essential to helping others on the level she wanted to help them. Elisa became aware that her mission would take resources for her to become number one and have the ability to take care of herself so she can offer these services and reach more people. Once her new mindset started clicking, her whole energy started shifting.

She now started putting herself in situations that were uncomfortable for her. I remember her posting in the Persuade to Profit Facebook Group when she was literally in the middle of a negotiation with a University to hire her for a series of workshops geared toward trauma survivors. Elisa was struggling with letting them pay her for hosting the workshops. The University was willing to have her on board as a paid workshop host, and she almost interjected to tell them they didn’t have to pay her. I remember the other students jumping in and immediately started supporting her. The group told her to let the University pay her for her services. That day Elisa went from earning $0 for her work to getting her asking rate to put on workshops, which changed her as she realized that she could get paid to do the work she is passionate about and do good in the world. The biggest moment was when she realized getting paid for her work is acceptable.

Fast forward to early 2019, and Elisa decides to invest in more one-on-one support with me because now she’s got momentum. She can see her vision and purpose. Elisa can create incredible goals and achieve them!

Going From Broke to Making Seven Figures

Elisa went from $0 of revenue to create a million-dollar business. She realized her worth and decided to travel all over the country and to give her husband his shared opportunity to take care of their kids. I watched her amazing transformation as I coached her along her journey to go after her dream in full force. At one point, she noted how good she felt to do work, which was making a difference.

At the time of recording this podcast episode, Elisa has informed me that she has closed a $20,000 speaking deal with a major university, and she also has her first-ever paying clients, rehiring her to do a series of workshops for these trauma survivors. Elisa is one of the most critical transformation stories I’ve worked with in my coaching; however, Elisa’s story stands out for more than one reason. Elisa doesn’t have a background in personal finance, she’s just a regular person like you and me who’s been through struggles. She was told that she’s not supposed to make money, yet, she was able to bust out of this mindset in less than one year.

Elisa’s Four Steps to Having a Mission-Driven Mindset

First, she became unavailable for the idea that because she is doing good work that she should not be financially supported.
Number two, she did things that made her extremely uncomfortable. I remember that this process was laborious for her, especially when she had to sit in negotiations and wait for the University to find money to pay her for her workshop. The reality of the situation is that if you want to help people and if you’re going to heal the planet, this mission will take a whole lot of resources, one of which is money.
Number three, she got clear on her purpose, vision, and goals, which gave her momentum. Her motivation has opened so many doors for her because she has conviction.

Finally, she invested in the help she needed to grow her skillset in terms of sales and negotiation.

An Invitation To Break Into Your New Mindset

I want to invite you to let 2020 be the year that you choose, you. Choose your economic transformation, just like Elisa chose hers. There is no difference between you and her.
I’ve completely revamped one of my most popular free training, and we’re now offering a free webinar called how to make your first 100 K online, even if no one knows who you are. We’ve had students take this free training, and they’re getting major brand recognition on a national radio show within one week. If you want in, all you need to do is text the word “influencer” to (305) 680-1407, and we will see you there.

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The post How to Have a Financial Transformation appeared first on Amanda Abella | Make Money Your Honey.

* This article was originally published here

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