Monday, December 30, 2019

My New Year’s Eve Ritual

I’m going to walk you through my step by step process. Feel free to implement these steps today!

Step #1: Take an End of Year Inventory

I’ve done this exercise for many years as this process helps me to take stock of what happened in the past year and mentally prepares me for the year to come. This time of year lends itself to reflection.

Questions to Ask When You are Taking Your End of the Year Inventory

When taking your end-of-year inventory, ask yourself these questions, and write them in your journal:

  • How did you get closer to your goals?
  • How did you get closer to a business goal?
  • How did you get closer to a life goal?
  • How did your life improve?
  • How did you move toward your vision this year?

Take stock of your accomplishments for the year. My stock goals for 2019 all related to my team. Team members, support, and making sure I was delegating to others. I knew this one goal would take up most of my time, and it did. I’m proud to say that we have a super organized team as part of my goal. I’ve got Zenya now who is the first full-time employee for Make Money Your Honey, and she helps me run the backend of everything.

She also helps me keep my shit together and makes sure that she’s delegating to other members of the team so I can focus on the most critical tasks. I can focus on being there for my clients and producing special episodes because I have the support. I focus on sales, my company vision, and Zenya is my executor. She is great at getting me, and our team organized because that’s her zone of genius. I’m the big-picture creative, I have great ideas, and I know how to make money.

My Personal Financial Objectives

One of my personal finance objectives was to start learning more about real estate investing. I started making money, I was in a position where I could begin to save half of my salary, and I wanted a good investment for my money. I had started to look into different investment options, but there’s a max on the amount of money you can put into retirement and other savings accounts. I had to start finding other investment options. In 2018 I’d taken a course on investing in the stock market and stock options and very quickly learned that is not the path I want to make. This year I invested in classes to learn about real estate.

Saving Money Every Month

Which brings me to my next taking stock, I saved money this year. On average, I was saving about half my salary. It’s such a great feeling to achieve these objectives. I wasn’t perfect, as I ended up having to pay for oral surgery earlier this year, which put me behind in terms of my goal; however, most months, I was able to save money. That’s me taking stock of my objectives this year.

Step #2: How to Know Your Huge Wins

You also want to take stock of any huge wins. The reason is, you want to know how much progress you’ve made toward your objectives and your vision. Frequently we’re so focused on the future goal that we don’t realize the progress we’ve already made. See and acknowledge you are making progress. Looking at your pace keeps you going on those days when you feel you’re very far away from your goal.

What are some things that happened this year that maybe you weren’t expecting to happen? For me, one of my media dream placements came true. I’ve wanted to do more, Spanish media for a long time. I was able to film a commercial segment for Univision earlier this year. That same client sent me to Chicago to do one of my favorite activities: teaching 20 to 25-year-olds about personal finance. In this case, it was about credit education and busting credit myths. I was able to take a trip to Ohio this year for one of my clients and gave a keynote at Progressive Insurance to over 2000 employees.

Step #3: Figure Out What You Need to Purge

Step three is to take note of what has to go and must be purged. This may be people, projects, or jobs. You may have limiting beliefs, negative self-image, or negative thoughts about yourself that need to go. Some of you have self-sabotaging behaviors that need to go, to be honest.

Step #4: Take Your Next Step in the Direction of Your Dreams Today!

Do not wait until tomorrow to take a step in the direction of your dreams. I usually take my first step at the end of December. I do not wait until January 1st because, quite honestly, when you take that step isn’t essential. The day you move forward is arbitrary.

You may take a step and visit or start a savings account or sign up for Persuade to Profit today because you want 2020 to be the year that your business gets off the ground. The prices go up tomorrow for 2020, so click here to get 2019 pricing!

A lot of you have been telling me you have been looking at Persuade to Profit. Well, time to sign up and get going! Why would you wait until January? Start today.

Your Biggest Mistake: Waiting.

Waiting is a big mistake people make. They’re always putting the actions that would move them toward the goals and their dreams. They always put themselves in the future as if their life is one day going to have the perfect circumstances for them to move forward. This is just not realistic; you must make your move to achieve your goals. Waiting isn’t going to get you there.

People say, “I will do that on January 1st,” and then they don’t follow through because they lost their momentum. There is never going to be a perfect set of circumstances. There is never a perfect date on the calendar to start something. You might as well start right now and stop procrastinating. For those of you who end up signing up for Persuade to Profit today, we welcome you with open arms, and we can’t wait to hit the ground running. I want to see you at Persuade to Profit, and I’m excited to tell your story next year and how Persuade has changed your life.

We look forward to another fantastic year full of incredible client wins! Happy new year, everyone! I wish that 2020 brings you health, abundance, blessings, and love.

Resources that are mentioned or add value to this episode:

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The post My New Year’s Eve Ritual appeared first on Amanda Abella | Make Money Your Honey.

* This article was originally published here

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